For this New World,


Next Generation Supply Chain, Track/Trace, & Global Data Brokerage Services.

Meta Matter Enables Socially Responsible Medicine,

… Manufacturing, and More.

Material Tracking

Meta Matter enables a link between an item and a database like never before. Simple implementation enables actionable supply chain data long before and far after current logistics technologies in any industry.

Data Brokerage

Tracking materials makes the world more efficient, safer, protects brand value…. ONE application, our primary focus, is battling addiction through Prevention. In addition to providing value for the manufacturers and distributors, we can enable the identification of the prescribed owner of a pill after POS, and illicit sale.

Addiction Epidemic

One Target Application is Addiction Prevention Technologies which must be at the Foundation of any Sustainable and Effective Solution.  Depressants, Hallucinogens and Stimulants.

♦  Identify/Remove source ♦
♦  End illicit sales ♦
♦  Early intervention ♦

Medicine, Manufacturing, and More.


Know More About Everything by Enabling Meaningful Metadata for All that Matters.


Rising health care costs and overwhelmed resources can be improved through prevention technologies. A healthy community can provide better care for ALL, when we need it.


A crime scene is messy and polluted variables and objects which may or may not have been key factors.  Current methods have many flaws and even the strongest case may leave room for doubt. 


Improve outcomes in education by eliminating deception from the classroom to the board rooms.  Standardized Testing and Signatures hold Tremendous Value, and with that, so must Truth.

Controlled Substances

Give the label “controlled substance” meaning beyond point of sale to remove fraudulent sale and illicit use of powerful drugs flooding communities. 


Verify and add trust to the goods you use and create.  Allow consumers to know, simply, that the products are safe and reliable.


We enable a link between an item and data like never before.  Perfect your supply chain long before your existing point A, and long after point B.

A new way. A simple way. A complete way to track anything.

Meta Matter is the optimal solution for the widest range of applications in serialization, track and trace, anti-counterfeiting, and more.

It's Not the organizations that are competing. It's the supply chains that are competing.
Wael Safwat
Deliver the right product, in the right quantity and the right condition, to the right place at the right time for the right customer at the right price.
The Seven "Rights" of Logisitics
Engineer and technology entrepreneur
You will not find it difficult to prove that battles, campaigns, and even wars have been won or lost primarily because of logistics.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Army general and 34th president of the United States
The supply chain stuff is really tricky
Elon Musk - Code Conference 2016
Engineer and technology entrepreneur

Capture the complete life of each product,
from raw materials and beyond point of sale:

A to Z

Identify. Prevent. Interdict.

♦ Identify/Remove Source Problem ♦ Early intervention/interdiction ♦

$ 1
Trillion Counterfeit
5 %
Illicit Trade
11 MM Abused

Sustainable and Effective Solution Must be at the Foundation of the greatest problems our world faces today, from violence to addiction, food supply, overall quality of life. Prevention does more than just keep the bad away - it enables good.

Global News & Work Updates

Stay In Touch for News from Meta Matter and Stories from Around the World.

Connect with Meta Matter and Suggest A Story, Add to the Conversation, or Share Your Perspective.

Connect with Meta Matter for News from Us and Elsewhere related to addiction, gun violence, and many other supply chain / track & trace challenges with the greatest needs.  Together, change is possible. 

Work with the Growing Meta Matter Team.

With You, We Will Enable Socially Responsible Medicine, Manufacturing, and Beyond.

Partnerships are Key, So Let’s Learn How We Can All Combat The Worst Evils of the World, Together, Today… Right Now.

Are you looking to develop solutions for many of the world greatest and growing problems?

Who We Are & Who We Need.

We are A Network of Researchers, Addiction Specialists, Business Leaders, and Expert Advisers Leading Changes Around the World, from China, to the Middle East, and Right Here at Home in The United States’ Heartland and Borders.​

Meta Matter is Developing New Solutions, evolving quickly to meet growing and urgent needs in Healthcare, Education, Law & Order Through Various Applications.

We Work to Solve Real Problems Through the Creation of Solutions Founded in Past Trails, Built for Today's Impossible, Optimizing to Adapt for the Unknowns of Tomorrow.

Stay in touch for updates and contact us with any questions and learn how you can get involved.

Time is of the Essence. Connect Today and We Can Begin to Learn More about Potential Opportunities

Contact Meta Matter

Learn how we can change what matters, together….

Or, just grab coffee as it meets us at the end of the supply chain,

 and discuss other matters.


Food and Drug Supply Chain and Recalls,  medicine adherence, drug development, traceable supply chain for every corner of the globe.  And as gun violence continues destroying communities, it too is often labelled a health crisis.


It often seems like Concrete Evidence can never prove guilt, and innocence with absolute confidence within a jury or in public opinion. From falsely accused and imprisoned to expensive trials allowing a criminal to go free, Meta Matter will prove value through a variety of applications.


Cheating by teachers, students, proctors, entire school districts, the elite, the desperate, and others allows for unfair, illegitimate, lacking trust/faith in the process and criminal outcomes. The results in the classroom are ineffective and unaccountable teaching remains, students in need are pushed forward, and undeserving students earn acceptance where it wasn’t earned.

Controlled Substances

As legal pharmaceuticals continue to act as gateways to lifelong addictions, it is paramount to ensure they are used as prescribed, and made available for those who need them.


As 3D Manufacturing advances and globalization accelerates into unregulated economies, so too will the many negative outcomes grow with it for both consumers and manufacturers.


Supply chain can defeine the success or failure of a company, in fact, it’s been identified as a key factor in the rise of apple’s CEO and the company’s success with products manufactured from parts from all over the world. However, broken supply chains can also break companies, not only by enabling waste and lost products, but it can contribute to counterfeit goods. Counterfeit goods not only impact the company, but they fuel the black market world and fund countless criminal activities around the world.

Global impacts of counterfeiting and piracy to reach US$4.2 trillion by 2022

“Titled, The Economic Impacts of Counterfeiting and Piracy, the report provides estimates on the wider social and economic impacts on displaced economic activity, investment, public fiscal losses and criminal enforcement, and concludes that these costs could reach an estimated US$1.9 trillion by 2022. Taken together, the negative impacts of counterfeiting and piracy are projected to drain US$4.2 trillion from the global economy and put 5.4 million legitimate jobs at risk by 2022.

The report from Frontier Economics , an internationally recognised economics research firm, was commissioned by ICC’s Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP) and the International Trademark Association (INTA). It was launched today in Hong Kong during INTA’s 2017 Anticounterfeiting Conference.

‘This new study shows that the magnitude of counterfeiting and piracy is huge, and growing,” said Amar Breckenridge, senior associate at Frontier Economics. “Our objective is to as accurately as possible characterise the magnitude and growth of this illegal underground economy and its impacts on governments and consumers. The results show once again that in an interconnected economy, consumers and governments suffer alongside legitimate businesses from the trade in counterfeit and pirated goods.'”

  • International Chamber of Commerce, “Global impacts of counterfeiting and piracy to reach US$4.2 trillion by 2022”

7-8% of World Trade Every Year is in Counterfeit Goods

According to FBI, Interpol, World Customs Organization and International Chamber of Commerce estimates, roughly 7-8% of world trade every year is in counterfeit goods. That is the equivalent of as much as $512 billion in global lost sales. Of that amount, U.S. companies lose between $200 billion and $250 billion. IP theft has a major impact at home, too: according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, in fiscal year 2010, nearly 20,000 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods with a total domestic value of $188.1 million and a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $1.4 billion were intercepted before entering the United States. The total domestic value of counterfeit products seized presenting potential safety or security risks seized was $42 million.

Which sectors are most affected? IP theft poses a risk to all industry sectors; those most commonly affected by IP theft are manufacturing, consumer goods, technology, software, and biotechnology, including pharmaceuticals.

  •, “Are Counterfeiting and Piracy Serious Problems?”

11 MM Abused

More than 11 million people abused prescription opioids in 2016.


